The HR Camp is designed to facilitate and enhance communication between operational colleagues and the Human Resources department. It serves as a comprehensive platform for various events and activities. This program is implemented through multi-day camps, with the presence of our Human Resources Team, to showcase the various services of the HR department in areas such as compensation and benefits, talent acquisition, people development, culture, and employee retention.
HR Camp includes the following events and activities:
Training workshops on effective communication and team building: Considering our organization’s growth and development, as well as the influx of new colleagues, the Human Resources department plays a crucial role in fostering effective communication and cultivating a strong team spirit. To achieve this objective, workshops are organized with the purpose of familiarizing colleagues with different interactive styles and equipping them with the skills to address work-related challenges and conflicts.
Implementation of human resources development projects: We acknowledge the significance of growth and development and strive to ensure equal opportunities for all our employees. Therefore, in our HR camps, we introduce our new initiatives encompassing learning and development, performance management, and individual development plans. These initiatives are designed to empower our colleagues and support their professional growth.
Conducting employee engagement surveys and interviews: Employee engagement is the state where individuals are emotionally and mentally dedicated to their organization. To prioritize our human capital, we conduct an annual organizational engagement survey, utilizing the feedback of our colleagues to identify the areas for improvement and implement the necessary measures.
Connect Meetings: Connect meetings are conducted to facilitate and enhance the interaction between our operation-based staff and the Deputy of Human Resources. In these sessions, they are provided with the latest information about the company and its activities. This program includes reporting the previous year’s initiatives and achievements from the Human Resources, Facility and Support, Communication, Information Technology, and Business Excellence and Sustainability departments, alongside the important milestones of our various business segments. This meeting also presents the opportunity for questions and answers, allowing our operation-based colleagues to voice their concerns.
The HR Camp program has been taking place since 2019, and over the past few years, it has successfully increased colleagues’ awareness about the organization, promoted a sense of gratitude and recognition among them, improved service delivery in operational areas, enhanced the soft skills of our employees, and bridged the gap between our office-based and operation-based staff.
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