At Dana Energy, we believe that everyone has the right to be treated with fairness, respect and dignity. Valuing and integrating the universal human rights standards across all of our activities is not only our commitment, but also a fundamental part of our identity and the way we do business. This is clearly reflected and represented in our governance and policy processes with the support of the CEO and the Board of Directors, as well as being promoted through engagements and trainings on human rights agenda. At Dana Energy, the human rights standards are emphasised and promoted within our supply chain management and various aspects of security. In regards to human rights in the supply chain, we seek to build and maintain a qualified and globally competitive supply chain wherever we operate. Our goal is to nurture entrepreneurship and foster competitive businesses capable of contributing to the sustainable economic progress of our country and the regions we operate in. Dana Energy works with a range of stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations and local communities to develop local vendors for the supply of goods and services. A competitive advantage that we have is that our business partners share our philosophy and are familiar with human rights standards and act in accordance with them. We know the success of our operations and reputation is based on a responsible value chain, hence, our criteria for selecting suppliers and contractors are not merely economical in nature. We also assess existing and new supply relationships in terms of compliance, environmental protection, safety, and adherence to social standards.
Additionally, in regards to security and human rights, Dana Energy takes an integrated approach towards security in regards to personnel, information and physical aspects along with necessary measures established in all business units, facilities, and operations to ensure proper security is provided for personnel with respect to human rights. This approach takes advantage of the synergy between human rights and security under law, which can create a convergence between the two matters in order to prevent human rights violations in the name of security. However, in occasions where human rights are not abided by, certain guidance and frameworks are put in place to systematically report on allegations of human rights abuse. This is inclusive of both private and public security personnel in case of incidents breaching business conduct relating to human rights such as an improper physical force applied by the security staff. These incidents or allegations are correctly reported to the relevant internal departments or external governmental bodies to be further looked into and investigated for necessary actions to be taken.